Encouraging Faith - Knowing the Truth - Pursuing Godliness

We are created to worship. Everything about our lives is to worship Jesus Christ. We gather Sunday mornings @ 10:30am for that very reason. We would love to have you join us.
Consider this your "Invitation"
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Church Life

This Sunday we will look at Matthew 7:21-23. In these verses Jesus teaches that just because someone says they are a Christian doesn't make them one. He's going to show how an empty heart produces empty words. Join us and see how this applies to you. See you there.

We will begin our new Bible study this Sunday after the service. It is on the cross and suffering. This one can speak to all of us since there is no one who has not dealt with some type of suffering. I hope you'll join us.

Also, this Sunday we head to the Madison House. Join us as we love and laugh with our neighbors. We'll meet there @ 2:30pm.

Who We Are & What We Believe
The Bible teaches that believers are to live out their lives together with other believers in the context of a local church body. The church is who we are, not what we do. What we do flows from who we are.
Everything about our Sunday morning service is geared to encourage you to participate in every aspect of the service, because every aspect of the service is worship. We are encouraged to worship through singing, praying, serving, giving, listening to God's Word being preached and applying it to our lives, and enjoying fellowship with each other.
We don't care about your background, your past, or what you wear; we simply desire to know you, love you, and to come along side of you to help you understand how the gospel applies to your life. Come as you are!
We are affiliated with the SBC. We also agree with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. To see what that is go to www.bfm.sbc.net

Join us Sundays @ 10:30am. We meet in the chapel at Source of Light Ministries here in Madison. We are not affiliated with Source of Light; they simply allow us to use their facilities. For directions see the map at the bottom of the page.
​​​Our worship is purposefully theologically rich, so it is a blend of contemporary & traditional songs. The focus is on Jesus Christ. Our preaching is expository, so you can be sure you will hear biblical truths, and it always includes how to apply what's being taught to your life.

Missions & Community
We strongly believe that the Church is to be a part of sharing the gospel. So we give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering which benefits missions in North America. Every penny given goes to the missionaries.
We also give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering which benefits missionaries all around the world. Again, every penny collected goes directly to the missionaries out in the field.
We also give to the Cooperative Program that benefits local and state associations as they equip the Church, as well as the other entities within the SBC. And locally, we also visit the residents and staff at the Madison House where we spend time just loving them, hearing their stories, and sharing biblical truth with them.

Meet Our Pastors
​​Pastor Tim Belcher
​I am married and have two daughters. I have been in ministry for over sixteen years. I have a B.A. in Apologetics, and an M.A. in Christian Studies. My favorite verse is Colossians 1:28-29 "We proclaim Christ, admonishing every person and teaching every person with all wisdom, so that we may present every person complete in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. "
Pastor Phil Winder
Phil has been married for 34 years and they have one son and a daughter-in-law. Phil serves as a missionary for Source of Light Ministries International. He has attended FBC Bible Institute and Andersonville Baptist Seminary.
Find Us
We are meeting in the chapel at Source of Light Ministries. The address is 1011 Mission Rd., Madison, GA. It's just off US 441 across from Farmview Market. Turn at the intersection of US 441 & Mission Road.